Communication 101 at Liana Chocolateria
I had a late breakfast (12 noon) at Lian Chocolateria, a small cafe on a narrow street, just off Plaza Mayor. You can eat on the patio outside or on a stool inside the bar.
I sat on a stool inside and tried to order steak well done, scrambed eggs and coffee in espanol; and the owner tried to repeat my order in ingles. But he didn't understand what scramble meant, and I couldn't explain it. It was a level of communication that was absolutely pathetic. At some point, all four patrons sitting inside and the owner's assistant began to smile broadly. How could anyone blame them? It was a skit worthy of Saturday Night Live-- The old Saturday Night Live with John Belushi and Dan Akrowd. After a while,the owner and I began to laugh at the same time. The four customers fell in behind us. We were all laughing at this very poor attempt at communication between a Spanish and US citizen.
Finally understooding "well done" (with the help of a customer), the owned said in jest, "Habla espanol like Mr. Bush." I said, "You speak ingles like Mr. Bush too!"
And we both began laughing again at the same time!
The customers were still smiling broadly as we shook hands, with me saying "Muchas gracias" and him saying "Gracias por su visita."
At 8:12 AM, Anonymous said…
mac, i know you are enjoying could anyone not enjoy it...if it's sunny and you're with good people the language isn't a problem really. hi to mp. peace, suzanne
At 8:24 AM, Anonymous said…
Hi Mac - Sounds like a great trip...even though you missed Pamplona,,,maybe you could find another town to run with the bulls!! tAKE CARE...ENJOY!!
Pat H.
At 9:52 AM, Anonymous said…
Beautiful story!! Mui bien! I could just see you and the waiter breaking out in laughter together.
Muchas gracias for allowing us to experience Spain vicariously!
PS: Do you think George Bush would be so patient and humble to be able to connect like that (ha!)?
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