Miles to Go Before I Sleep

Welcome! This is the blog for my book, "Miles to Go Before I Sleep" and a forum for those who have been touched by cancer. Make comments or share your story, tips or lessons to inspire readers not only to survive but to live each day to the fullest.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What will you say before you? And what will it say about your life?:

Listen up: the daddy wants to ask you a question about something you don't want to think about: about death. No, this is not about death in general. It's about how you will act when you face death.

When you die, will you shout something to the effect of, "Give me liberty or give me death?" Okay, maybe that's too dramatic, too broad. Well, how about "Lord, please watch over my family and community, when I'm gone?" Or "Lord, thank you for helping to survive this foreign, strange new land called America. Please help them to continue to grow to be even better as a people, as Americans."

The daddy is wondering about this, because he's meditating on the John Brown's revolt (one of my heroes?), about the great Frederick Douglas agreeing with John Brown in principle but warning him that it would not work. The daddy is thinking not so much about leaders like John Brown so much as his courageous followers who decided to unite with his white brother and fight this fight, regardless of the odds.

The daddy is wondering how we regular folk will act and what we will say when we too "come to the end or our road."

If you're wondering how you're going to deal with it, the daddy wants to mention one example.
December 16th is the date of the hanging of two of the five men who were to be hanged for joining John Brown's in the raid on Harper's Ferry in 1859: Shields Green and John Anthony Copeland.

(L t R) Green, Copland,
Leary, Anderson, & Newby
According to the African American Atlas, as Copeland was led to the gallows he shouted, “I am dying for freedom. I could not die for a better cause. I would rather die than be a slave.”

What will you say before you die? What will it say about the life you lived?


  • At 11:08 AM, Blogger Here Be Monsters, again. said…

    Hi there...

    You have observed the 'elephant in the room' of late... Death. The symbolism / polarity of it seems to me, so vital right about now. It's a very spiritual question you ask; what will you say when your time comes? I have no idea, myself. I've thought on it... but this I do know, though the pain of Death may make me afraid, I know for certain that in closing my eyes I will be so UNalone, so going Home. [And I'm not coming from a religious point of view... a more ancient, ancestor conscious spiritual one is my walk.] We're releasing the era of 'belief' and being asked to embrace the new era of 'knowledge'... as in what do you know? What have you determined is your truth? What responsibility do you take for yourself? On every level of your Being? So, when the time comes, I think to myself about now, going a bit long enough to have hit the (respectfully...) 'old broad's club'... I hope I might say to whomever is there...ENJOY. Take risks, learn and grow. Open your heart so your mind might be excited with all that there is to understand and create from. The glass is after all, half FULL. I personally think we are being asked right now, as a global community, to let go of our be healthy and to evolve.

    It's a GREAT QUESTION you are asking... It captured my attention. I found you following your link from Vigilante's site. Jus' stoppin' by... Really liked this post.

  • At 8:03 AM, Blogger Mac Daddy Tribute Blog said…

    Gwendolyn: Thank you. Death is a very difficult subject to think about. Presently, I'm doing research on famous leaders and how they addressed that issue in their lives: Malcolm X, Dr. King Jr., Fannie Lou Hamer, and others.

    Just so you know, I will be updating this blog more often in the future. Hope you come back. Blessings.

  • At 9:10 AM, Blogger Here Be Monsters, again. said…

    I'm following you, Mac Daddy. I look forward to your new posts... been a pleasure reading your stories and thoughts...! Ta

  • At 8:45 AM, Blogger Vigilante said…

    What Ms Barry said....

    Mac, what worries do I have about dying, is who will come to my funeral? Isn't that a stupid, stupid, stupid thing to worry about?

  • At 11:25 AM, Blogger Here Be Monsters, again. said…


    It's a coinkydink thing gentlemen, what you say: because on the way home from Thanksgiving dinner my nephew (18) my bat signal sis and I had a conversation I think pertains:
    There was an accident on the 95. George was driving and asked me if I ever had bad thoughts about dying like that? I said, quite honestly I did and that I would 'white light' it and try to release it. But that it was natural for all of us to think these things about our mortality. He then expressed that it upset him that he also thought sometimes about his mom or me like that; like we had died. We all discussed it and you know what? WE ALL have these thoughts. I just think it was a very good thing to have talked it out with my nephew ... because now he is better able to white light it or release it because he knows that he's not being un-natural or 'bad' / 'evil'...
    Vig... I wonder who'll show up at mine too! And I hope they play 'Don't fear the reaper' and wake me right! Then take the ashes to sea. And Vig.. I don't think it's so stupid, I do think it's natural and btw, if u go first...
    keep a spot open for this sailor on your crew. Will ya?
    [btw, on my local blog I did a piece on our 'boat parade' down here I think u might get a little smile out of...

    Have such a good holiday season you guys!

  • At 12:08 PM, Blogger Vigilante said…

    Ms Barry,

    Mac and I share a fellowship of the ring, in the Lance Armstrong sense.

    My case is lighter than his, but it will become heavier eventually.

    My sons want me to write a book like Mac has just published. It's a task I have started, and put aside. It's weighing on my mind.

  • At 1:15 PM, Blogger Here Be Monsters, again. said…

    Vig... MacDaddy...

    Understood. Understood with a sincere heart.


  • At 9:44 AM, Blogger Mac Daddy Tribute Blog said…

    Gwendolyn: Thanks for coming to this blog and for excellent insights. Do you ever check out my other blog: I think you would like it. It covers everything from current events to history to music and poetry. I hope you check it out sometimes. Blessings.

    Vigilante:Thanks for understanding.

  • At 10:53 AM, Blogger Here Be Monsters, again. said…

    MacDaddy! Holiday Greetings and Merry Christmas and ... oh heck, you know:-) all that applies.

    I found it! After back and forthing with Vig. YES I DO like it. Am following.

    Blessings back your way, to you and yours.


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